
Average score 245 Reviews
Axelle Zöllner noted on Google

Pro tip : stock up on the sashimi. Just trust me.

10 months ago
H B noted on Google


10 months ago
Mat Chab noted on Google

Super Cool

11 months ago
olivia aye noted on Google

The best sushi in Bordeaux

1 year ago
Bld Camil noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Best all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant quality perfect price (Original) Meilleur restaurant de sushi à volonté qualité prix parfait

1 year ago
Nicolas MRS (Momoyd) noted on Google

1 year ago
Lucas Réveil noted on Google

1 year ago
cynthia tostain noted on Google

1 year ago
david fait noted on Google

1 year ago
Aicha L noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very pleasant time in this place, welcoming, calm, clean and good value for money. Nothing to do with all the pseudo Asian restaurants at will. I will go back there with my eyes closed. (Original) Moment très agréable dans ce lieu, accueillant, calme, propre et de bon rapport qualité/prix. Rien à voir avec tous les pseudos restos asiatiques à volonté. J’y retournerai les yeux fermés.

1 year ago

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