
Average score 245 Reviews
Louis Bertin noted on Google

1 year ago
Pascal RAGNÉ noted on Google

1 year ago
Alexis Tavares noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good restaurant. Unfortunately the popularity has increased the prices.. (Original) Bon restaurant. Malheureusement la popularité fait augmenté les prix..

1 year ago
Sofiane Bellil noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Simply a very good restaurant. Skewers and Maki are very good. (Original) Très bon restaurant tout simplement. Brochettes et Maki sont très bons.

1 year ago
Sophie Grannet noted on Google

(Translated by Google) At will!!!! Very good I highly recommend (Original) A volonté!!!! Très bon je recommande fortement

1 year ago
Eva Rafael noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The best sushi in Bordeaux 🤩 Fast and neat service The sushi is excellent The choice is very varied Then there is always room! (Original) Le meilleur sushis de Bordeaux 🤩 Service rapide et soigné Les sushis sont excellent Le choix est très variés Puis il y a toujours de la place !

1 year ago
Narcisse Atche noted on Google

1 year ago
Léa Suez noted on Google

1 year ago
Pet of the House Animaux de la maison noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I go there often, and it's very good! (Original) J'y vais souvent, et c'est très bon !

1 year ago
Beno Mrx noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Alright, we had a blast. The staff are friendly and efficient. Just a note about the aquarium at the entrance which was almost empty with fish in filthy water. This vision on entering is really not terrible. (Original) Très bien, nous nous sommes régalé. Le personnel est aimable et efficace. Juste une remarque concernant l'aquarium à l'entrée qui était quasiment vide avec des poissons dans une eau crasseuse. Cette vision en entrant est vraiment pas terrible.

1 year ago

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